Bruce Veenstra
What's Missing from his Business Card:
Puts everything in its place
Super Power:
X-Ray vision when it comes to every aspect of designing a technical theatre space for creative performance

Bruce is a hands-on man in the theatre and highly experienced in technical direction. Joining The SC in 2008, Bruce is now a Principal and works to keep our technically challenging projects efficient and highly functional for the creative productions of the future. With a BFA in Technical Direction from North Carolina School of the Arts, Bruce went on to work in several regional theatres in the US, including 13 years with Tony Award winning Berkeley Repertory Theatre. He served as Technical Director, Production Manager, Operations Director and Client/Coordinator for the design and construction of the Roda Theatre, a 600-seat proscenium house adjacent to the original Thrust Stage and a new scenic shop. It’s that last set that polished his credentials and made him a force of nature when it comes to understanding ALL that goes into the making of a building that is a workplace of systems and conditions for creative and technical theatre.