Adam has always remained in contact with his alma mater, the School of Architecture + Design at Virginia Tech. Over the past few years he concocted a concept to host students in San Francisco. We have now completed the first VA Tech San Francisco Studio program as a full semester in summer of 2019. It was configured as a hybrid travel and studio program, generated and hosted by practitioners of the area, mostly alumni from a cross section of years. The students were housed in the City, and when not exploring the Bay Area, had studio time in the back space of The Shalleck Collaborative’s office. As host it was unavoidable that a thread of discussions about theatre design, acoustics and lighting happened, but as you can see in the video they covered a huge amount of ground.
All those who came in contact with them were deeply touched and invigorated by these first San Francisco ten. You guys reminded us of the joy and wonder in design learning and practice, and you did it with grace.
To answer the frequently asked question – the 2020 summer San Francisco Studio program has been announced!
Tip: Watch the video with sound.